Friday, October 4, 2013

The secret list - surprising outcomes from the main mighty list

When I wrote my initial list there was the written list, and the secret list - the things that I have wanted to do, and thought were too - too silly, too loaded, not practical enough, not quite important, or cool enough to put on the real list. This post is about those things.

I wanted to have fun colored hair... Started the fun hair colour journey a few weeks after last year's camp -thanks to mighty Rachel for having the conversation with me that led to the hair happening. 

I thought it would be great to have a space where I could make large art - In my new office I have a large room where I can do just this (I never thought that this could happen, and I'm still in awe of the space).

I've always wanted ballet flats, since I was a little girl -I purchased some lovely Reppetto flats in an amazing night sky colour, on sale no less, (love them and wear them all the time) and whenever I wear them I feel like Brigitte Bardot (Yay)

I love dresses, and have wanted to have more (or even some) dresses for many years. Generally I   haven't been able to find anything I like in my size - I took the leap and ordered some dresses off of the internet, yay eshakti! (this was a major leap- I am very much a try before buy person) , retro and classic they are flattering and fun -I now get to wear pretty dresses again!

Just the act of creating the life list, and then the organizing energy of attending camp mighty helps me to give more things (that I want to do, and that make me a little nervous) a try. Knowing that, regardless of the outcome, there will be a camp container to discuss and process my life list experiments has been transformative. 

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